Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Whole New River Just Around the Bend...

Like sleeping giants, a stretch of intriguing
boulders are emerging as the river below
Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet lowers to its new levels.

At high tide last Friday evening, the natural
flows and sounds of the river, no longer tethered
by its old spillway, were a wonderful validation
of this restoration project.

Looking through the Broad Street bridge and
across Pawtuxet Cove at high tide, the
connection between river and bay now
appears seamless.


Roger Williams Park Ponds said...

This is a great project and I am happy to see it has gone so well, even with all this rain!

Anonymous said...

I see a whole new whitewater rafting community opening up! Welcome back Pawtuxet River

ganesh said...

Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!

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